We encourage you to learn all you can about the UNSEEN
Are you searching for answers to those deep age long questions?
Who Am I?
Where am I from?
Where am I going?
In every generation there are those individuals who are awoken by a deep inner yearning to seek out answers. Some are guided to this wisdom. Others have an event occur in their life creating a reason or opportunity to go on a search to find the answers.
Are you somebody who has just had an experience with the paranormal? Maybe you've discovered theres more to the story then meets the eye. Perhaps you are somebody who has been guided by some unseen force all your life.
Science is only starting to discover what ancient knowledge has exclaimed for centuries. The Divine mysteries have been kept secret and reserved only for the few. It is up to the seeker to find answers wherever they can.
Metaphysical hub aspires to find the authentic experts with the SECRET knowledge, the individuals who have had MAGICAL experiences, those who feel themselves SUPERNATURAL and the best MOST UNIQUE resources to help individuals enhance their material and spiritual life experience.
For Over 15 years we have attempted to seek out and interview and collaborate with the amazing individuals of our world who have acquired SECRET knowledge. We have created over 200 profiles on our site so you can access these individuals easily and receive unique privileges when you acquire their products and services through us.
Quantum physics explores the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, which can have implications for our understanding of the unseen world.
According to quantum theory, particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until observed, a phenomenon known as superposition. This means that particles can be in many places at once or exist in multiple states until an interaction with the external environment, such as a measurement, causes them to “collapse” into a single state.
The double-slit experiment, a cornerstone of quantum physics, demonstrates that particles can behave like waves and exhibit interference patterns when not observed, but behave like particles when observed. This highlights the role of observation and interaction with the environment in determining the state of particles.
Quantum entanglement is another concept that suggests particles can be connected in such a way that the state of one particle can instantaneously affect the state of another, no matter the distance between them. This has led to discussions about the interconnectedness of the universe and how unseen quantum phenomena might influence our everyday reality.
While quantum physics does not directly address the supernatural or spiritual realms, some have explored the intersection between quantum mechanics and spiritual concepts. For example, the book “Quantum Glory” explores the idea that the intricate design of the subatomic world reveals the mind of a Creator, and that the glory of God can bring about miracles of divine healing. However, others argue that attributing supernatural phenomena to quantum mechanics can diminish the role of a divine being.
In summary, quantum physics suggests that the unseen world at the quantum level can have profound effects on our understanding of reality, but its direct implications for the supernatural or spiritual realms remain a topic of debate and exploration.​
We encourage you to learn all you can about the UNSEEN
Quantum Physics and the Supernatural
What Does Quantum Physics Actually Tell Us About the World? - The New York Times
This is what makes the quantum world so strange and confusing | New Scientist
the knowledge of the UNSEEN and its impact on us and our lives THEIR LIVES
This knowledge has always been available to us through ancient wirtings, and wisdom from mystics and sages who live these experiences and pass their findings on via tradition to those who are seaching and willing to LISTEN. ​
Ancient teachings on UNSEEN mysteries encompass a variety of concepts that were often kept secret from the uninitiated. These teachings were central to the practices of various mystery schools, such as the Eleusinian Mysteries, Mithraism, and the Cult of Isis. These schools were prevalent in ancient Greece and during the Roman Empire, and they often involved initiation rituals and the study of esoteric knowledge.
Here are some examples:
1. One notable example is the Gnostic system, which posits the existence of three pairs of opposites, called Syzygies, emanating from the Eternal One. These, along with the Eternal One, make up the total of seven divine principles. The Gnostics also believed in the Christ as the personification of Nous, the Divine Mind, who descended into Jesus at his baptism and left before the crucifixion.
2. The Alexandrian School, founded by Basilides, incorporated Egyptian Hermeticism, Oriental occultism, Chaldean astrology, and Persian philosophy. Basilides claimed to have received his instructions from the Apostle Matthew and was an emanationist with Neo-Platonic inclinations.
3. Hypatia, a female initiate of the ancient world who taught the correct solutions to cultural, intellectual, moral, and social problems. Her teachings were said to lift individuals to the condition of Godhood, transforming them from “roaring beasts into divinities.”
In modern times, the concept of divine mystery continues to be explored. WHERE DO YOU FIND THEM and HOW DO YOU AUTHENTICATE THEM?
These ancient teachings and modern interpretations emphasize the transformative power of wisdom and the pursuit of divine knowledge to elevate human consciousness and understanding.
We encourage you to learn all you can about the UNSEEN
Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies, Part Two
Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Mysteries and Their Emissaries
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