Building your business with Sara Troy and her guest Hugh Culver, on air from November 3rd
How to use your blog to build your business. In a world of Facebook advertising and interruption media, blogging might seem old fashioned. In fact, your blog could be the secret to a highly successful marketing strategy. Learn how Hugh Culver built the BlogWorks team and how they create blog success for service professionals. Hugh Culver, MBA, CSP co-created the world’s most expensive tours (to the South Pole), has presented to over 1,200 audiences as a professional speaker, is the CEO of BlogWorks, and author of Give Me a Break – the art of making time work for you. His blog at reaches 500,000 readers a year.
I’m a recovering over-achiever who researches, writes, and speaks on how to THINK better, PLAN smarter, and ACT now on what really matters.
I speak 45 times a year either on the main stage teaching my Think, Plan, Act model (last year I had 25 standing ovations) or one of my three workshops (leadership, conflict, time). The rest of my work time is dedicated to helping other speakers grow their business.