Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Jeff Emmerson. ON AIR FROM October 31st

Beyond ADHD weaves Jeff Emmerson’s personal story of his ADHD diagnosis, exploring along the way the latest medical, scientific, and societal explanations and tools for managing and living with the condition. Including interviews with a number of experts at the forefront of next-generation ADHD diagnostics and treatment, he questions the cookie-cutter way ADHD is commonly diagnosed and treated. Suggesting that the list of symptoms often used to identify ADHD can be attributed to many other disorders and conditions, he explores how and why ADHD diagnoses have increased by 50% in the last ten years.
Emmerson advocates a different approach to ADHD, arguing that it should be a diagnosis of exclusion rather than the other way around and that we must look past the label, recognizing that individual symptoms vary and treatment plans should be better tailored to the individual. He examines mental and behavioural issues from all sides, including the possibility that nurturing—rather than trying to alter or suppress—the active, “360-degree” mind is a viable way for those diagnosed with ADHD to realize their gifts and lead purposeful lives.
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Jeff Emmerson
From the depths of mental despair to becoming one of social media’s premier spokespeople for mental health issues, Jeff Emmerson is a veritable “Rocky” in the field. Jeff has written for and been interviewed by some of the world’s top
radio hosts and online magazines regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), including Everyday Health (featured on AOL Health) and Additudemag.
He also enjoys one of the world’s largest social media followings for a non-medical professional on the subject, with more than 1,000,000 Twitter followers (and counting) and a video blog (YouTube Channel) that includes more than 200 different postings on various aspects of ADHD. Many of the top medical experts in the field, as well as specialists in behavioural therapy, vision therapy and neuroscience regularly post and correspond with him as part of their collective goal: finding a path beyond today’s ADHD “epidemic.” Some also share their perspectives in Beyond ADHD.
Jeff is also empowering people across the world by teaching tools to break through behaviour and thought patterns that hold them back from deeper fulfilment and success in several areas of life. He has done the work in his own life and is a shining example of
the human spirit in action. Signing
his first book deal in May, 2016 was “just the beginning of my mission to help millions live better lives through tools and lessons that many of us never learned in school, myself included.”
Born and raised in Ontario, Canada, Jeff began speaking publicly to raise awareness of ADHD and mental health issues in 2011, following a suicide attempt and resulting ADHD diagnosis. (Two years earlier, he had lost his brother Ryan to suicide). In 2013, he took to social media channels and began blogging to reach an even larger audience — at which time he began reworking an old manuscript he had written about his life.
He is a passionate advocate for mental health, and fostering a deeper understanding beyond the accepted symptoms that have led to more than 30 million North Americans taking ADHD medication. He seeks to come up with solutions that return society to a place of compassion, humanity, community and empathy. He is represented by Dana Newman Literary Agency in Beverly Hills, California.
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