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C16/36 Self Discovery through Imagination is Key.

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Sandra Owen airs from September 6th on. 


Self Discovery has never been so much fun.

Sandra has had a long journey into discovery of self, but through this journey has discovered in how to help other find their own self discovery, through art.

Young children approach new things with interest, enthusiasm and curiosity. As we grow up, sadly that wonder can sometimes fade and we lose sight of who we once were. Are emotional blocks holding you back? Lost confidence in who you really are? Looking for fresh inspiration and connection?

A consequence of reduced physical and emotional creativity is at best a nagging feeling of emptiness, anxiety or stress and at worst depression or even physical illness. A love of playing and teaching music, a lifetime of enjoying creativity and a heart felt desire to help others discover their gifts and move forward with their life were the seedlings I planted, and what grew was my own unique creative self discovery courses.

‘Super Charge your Self Confidence (1)

Through varies on line courses you can re discovery your self using art as your canvass, an example this one week course, if you  like it then you can continue on to the 7 week workshop.

‘You are Pure Potential’ is Week 1 only, from the ‘Super Charge your Self Confidence in 7 Creative Weeks’ Course, giving you the opportunity to enjoy a taste of this fantastic 7 week workshop series before making up your mind.

Week 1 explores the first of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, ‘Potential’ to help you discover for yourself that ‘You are Pure Potential‘. Your mind is like plastic substance and can be molded in anyway you choose. The only limit is the power of your own imagination. Are you feeling stuck and unable to move forward in life? Unfulfilled or undervalued?




  For mobile/tablets you can download free apps here:  http;//


Sandra says “My father died when I was just 7 years old, and although I did not know it then, this tragic family event was to become the catalyst that shaped my adult life. I felt as a child that this major event in my life was the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’. Everyone knew what happened but no one talked about it. I was sheltered from the details and was never helped to deal with this early exposure to death. My way of coping with emotion was to lose myself in recycling creative art and music. I could happily do these things for hours and hours, and developed a keen imagination and ability to problem-solve.”

Age: 19yrs – I went to University but was not happy there and left after 6 months.

22yrs – I married and had two children

30yrs – Divorced; I went back to University

33yrs – Remarried, Graduated with a BA hons in Music and had my third child 34 yrs – Became a Peripatetic Instrumental Teacher

35yrs – Achieved the CT ABRSM (Certificate of Teaching – Associated Board of the Royal schools of Music)

38yrs – Divorced

48yrs – Began my Personal Journey to discover my life purpose.

49yrs – Took the MasterKey Experience Course

50yrs – Became a Guide for the MasterKey Course and then a Master Guide, mentoring people all over the world through this 6 month course. I began to join the dots of my life, and felt helping others reignite their Imagination was what I was my purpose. During these years I was like a sponge, just soaking up everything I could learn about spirituality, metaphysics and Law of Attraction.

I was really inspired by the book ‘The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success’ by Deepak Chopra and this became the starting point for my own 7 week Self Discover course. I love the teachings of Charles Haanel, Neville Goddard, Wallace D Wattles, Abraham Hicks, and more recent writers like Gay Hendricks, Stephen Covey and Louise Hay. I also created a smaller 30-day goal setting course again using my own understanding and knowledge of how thoughts and feelings are energy and vibration, which create our life experience. Gaining control of our innate ability to think and feel starts with Imagination.

I can look back on my life and see now, if my father had not died, I might not have become so proficient at creative art and music, which I feel is the basis of my life purpose. My 20+ years experience as a woodwind tutor taught me how to teach; to breakdown complicated things and teach them in creative ways so others can understand. I love teaching and I love creating and playing music. My dream is to have my own home again with a big log cabin creative studio where I can run workshops and creative retreats for people to get away from their daily routines, relax and reignite their imagination. I want to help others, especially women in midlife, who feel unfulfilled, undervalued and un-confident, learn to create their own life on purpose.

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I expect to be a registered Micro Provider for the Local Council within the next few weeks.

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