“for the LOVE of Music” with Sara Troy and her guest KELITA, on air from September 12th

KELITA – From Musician to mentor & coach. My music has been my life line from a very young age. I wrote my first song at age 11, shortly after my father committed suicide on our family farm. After that, it became an essential instrument in the expression and healing of my pain. Hiding behind a very harsh and dysfunctional upbringing, followed by one tragedy after another, including various kinds of abuse into my 30’s, I look back and see the music and all its offerings were always interwoven between my personal healing journey and my outward profession as a recording artist. I hid myself behind the music and her sad refrains. After a profound spiritual awakening when I finally came out of my dysfunctional co-dependent closet, I began to openly sing and pour forth more confessional music and the stories to accompany them. It was then I would hear from my fans.
I became a safe place, someone who understood them. That is how I began to walk along side of people on their own healing journeys. To listen, encourage and let them know they are not alone. To pass on the lessons I have gleaned from so many life experiences and help guide and direct those who simply need someone to believe in and cherish them. To let them know – they matter – they are loved. To help them discover their own answers and their hidden gifts. To inspire them to become all they were created to be. To fly! And now after many years of ‘being there’ for others, I am moving my mentoring into a more formal setting.
For mobile/tablets you can download free apps here: http;//soundcloud.com/mobile
KELITA is a one-name, one-woman powerhouse, a versatile, multi-talented artist who ignites hearts in her audiences
through music, storytelling and, humour.
Whether she’s on stage performing before a large audience or working with people one on one in personal mentorship, KELITA’s unique style and heartfelt emotions touch everyone she comes in contact with.
She connects with audiences on a deeply emotional and spiritual level, borne out of an early life of one misfortune after another. Through her artistic performances and constant giving to others, she has transcended the tragedy of losing her parents and the humiliation and shame of childhood sex abuse, redirecting her energy into a more positive channel.
KELITA is a much-in-demand speaker who mesmerizes audiences with her many talents–singing, comedy and piano playing–and genuine tales of triumph over tragedy. Whether she’s the keynote speaker at a conference or performing before a televised audience, she never fails to impress an adoring public.
Her deep repertoire of talent qualifies KELITA for the superstardom bestowed upon her. As a five-time JUNO Award nominee, (the Canadian equivalent of the Grammy Awards) singer/songwriter, she has a powerful vocal range and an evocative style.
She’s a gifted mimic, comedienne and storyteller who presents a bevvy of quirky characters, from Sophie Flanagan, the colourful trailer park mother of 12, to the infamous, sophisticated, yet hideous author, Priscilla Rottenbaught.
KELITA understands the curative power of humour on a physical and mental well being.
She’s a dedicated humanitarian determined to foster change and she has quietly and tirelessly raised awareness for worthy causes across the globe.
KELITA is a definitely a force of nature, a compassionate, energetic multi-talented performer who continues to engage and inspire a constantly expanding universe of adoring fans and admirers.
Order her CD now,
Here is the link to pledge & maybe get a song written for you.
For more Music shows GO HERE
