Positive Vibrations Roundtable with Sara Troy and her guests Dr. Paul Drouin and Bill Macquis, aired July 12-25th
What I am proposing here is to radically shift the way we relate to health and disease, addressing the root of the problem by asking how we are educating ourselves and our doctors to maintain and restore health.
Dr. Paul Drouin is a Canadian M.D. and Doctor of Natural Medicine with more than twenty years’ experience in private practice as a family doctor, homeopath and acupuncturist. He is considered a pioneer in his field, having explored and successfully integrated aspects of alternative natural healing practices and evaluation techniques with conventional medicine to provide the best outcome for his patients. He has dedicated his life to the promotion of natural health, the prevention of disease, and to bringing a greater depth and understanding to Creative Integrative Medicine and is an ardent promoter of innovative methods of evaluation as a way to integrate
quantum consciousness into the art of healing.
Dr. Paul is also Professor of Integrative Medicine and the Founder and President of Quantum University, where all of his energy is dedicated to consolidating his knowledge of naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, quantum physics, and advanced biofeedback into a model of Creative Integrative Medicine and an expanded medical curriculum incorporating the new quantum model for health and wellness. He also hosts QuantumWorld.TV, the World Congress of Quantum Medicine, and the World Summit of Integrative Medicine, and is the author of Creative Integrative Medicine: A Medical Doctor’s Journey toward a New Vision for Health Care.
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Bill Macquis
Inspiration in life comes from being able to live and learn from the experiences of others. This this is Bill Macquis incredible perspective of his journey of a life filled self-made miracles…
Co/Host on Wise Health
When one stops to look at all the physical challenges Bill has had to overcome one might assume that he would probably have a very limited ability to succeed in life. Well, you couldn’t be more wrong. Bill has, in fact, has enjoyed a very success filled career life that began at the age of 12. By his early twenties, he already established himself as very well respected business leader having been involved in the ownership and executive management of more than a dozen companies. Then in very unfortunate event happened that would change Bill’s life forever and he walked away from everything to start life over again. This new life leads him to build another success filled career that lasted through to 1999, when once again Bill decided it was time to begin all over again.
The Quintessence website are just a very small part of that incredible journey Bill is on now. The story of his life that he has shared on this site is a recount of his discoveries made in quantum energy field dynamics, human behaviour and the how the human mind works along the way. As a result of all this research, he developed a mathematical model of how all these things were interrelated. Using this data model he is now in the process of creating a software program called the Q-factor that will enable people to live more purposeful, meaningful and productive lives. The software allows people by too quickly identify how events in the world around them are affecting their ability to be in the “Zone” of adaptable productivity. To learn more about this exciting new project visit his new company website…
Bill’s Show Pages…