Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Sarah Squires, on air from February 27th

Over 26,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with having a severe personality disorder and 60-70% of all child abuses feature a parent with a severe personality disorder. And those figures are based on diagnosed patients and reported abuse cases. The real numbers are likely to be scarily higher. So hundreds of thousands of children are being raised by disordered parents, all of whom are at risk of abuse and long-term harm.
My name is Sarah Squires, founder of The Nurturing Coach brand, and I help victims of narcissistic parental abuse and parental alienation to deal with the trauma of their experience and give them the skills to protect their children from the ongoing abuse at the hands of their own parent. As an ex-social worker, protecting children is at the heart of all that I do. Whether that be adult children of narcissistic parents or parents trying to co-parent with a narcissist.
Having experienced narcissistic parental abuse and parental alienation, I understand how lonely, frustrating and devastating it can be. And I want to help. I also run a training consultancy to train professionals working with children and families to recognise the signs of disordered parenting (in particular narcissism) and how to intervene in a more effective way. This is part of the “wrap-around care” approach I have to tackling these issues. You can’t treat the problem without working with those who play their role as flying monkeys!
I am really excited to be talking to Sara Troy about my work and I hope you will join us here
Anoushka and Sarah’s Narcissistic series within relationships and parenting.

The Nurturing Coach
Narcissistic Abuse and Parental Alienation Expert
For more information about Sara and the other show series, she hosts on Self Discovery Radio…

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